Contributing ============ Setting up a development environment ------------------------------------ #. Fork the `basicsynbio repository`_. #. Clone your fork:: git clone #. cd into the directory. #. Using a virtual environment running Python 3.8 or greater install the dependencies:: pip install -r requirements.txt #. Install the package in editable mode:: pip install -e . #. Confirm all test pass:: pytest [--runslow] .. _basicsynbio repository: Making changes -------------- Steps ^^^^^ #. set the upstream repository:: git remote add upstream #. Pull the latest changes to origin/master:: git pull upstream master #. Create a new branch for your development:: git checkout -b dev/foobar #. Make the development then stage and commit:: git add . git commit -m "make this desirable development to basicsynbio" #. Push the development back to GitHub:: git push origin dev/foobar #. Go to GitHub and create a new Pull Request. Guidelines for changes ---------------------- General Guidelines ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Code should be formatted using `black`_. * New code should have associated tests written using `pytest`_. * Update the documentation if required. The documentation is formatted using `Sphinx`_ and as such all files must be written in reST. * Update GitHub pages by running ``make github`` in the */docsource* directory. This implements GitHub Pages as described by `Anne Gentle`_. * New releases are made online ( Releases are automatically published to PyPi via the `build-publish.yml workflow`_. .. _Anne Gentle: .. _build-publish.yml workflow: Guidelines for docstrings ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Format docstrings according to the `Google Style Guide`_. This enables automated documentation of the API using `sphinx.ext.napoleon`_. * Where the same argument is used by multiple methods/functions, the :py:func:`basicsynbio.decorators.addargs2docs` decorator may be used. Associated instances of :py:class:`basicsynbio.decorators.ArgDescription` are placed in :py:class:`basicsynbio.main.CommonArgDocs`. .. _black: .. _pytest: .. _Google Style Guide: .. _sphinx.ext.napoleon: .. _Sphinx: