Part and linker collections =========================== Introduction ------------ As described and illustrated in the usage section (:ref:`accessing-part-collections`), basicsynbio contains a collection of Parts and Linkers accessible from within the API. In contrast to previous approaches, accessing these collections doesn't require 3rd-party database access or even an internet connection. Below is a list of selected collections to browse and instructions for contributing part collections to the API. .. _browse-collections: Browse selected collections --------------------------- Collections can be searched and viewed using `SeqViz`_ at the `basicsynbio webapp`_. Alternatively collections can be viewed through the links below, displaying the *PartLinkerCollection key*, *id*, *name* and *description*. .. _SeqViz: .. _basicsynbio webapp: * :doc:`basic_biolegio_linkers` * :doc:`basic_cds_parts` * :doc:`basic_promoter_parts` * :doc:`basic_seva_parts` Contributing part collections to basicsynbio -------------------------------------------- The following steps are required to add new part collections or versions of part collections to the API. *Please feel free to contact* `hainesm6`_ *directly for help with this*: .. _hainesm6: #. Generate a genbank file containing all parts in the collection as separate elements. #. Via a pull-request (refer to :doc:`contributing`), complete the following: * Add the genbank file to the :py:mod:`basicsynbio.parts_linkers` sub-package. * Using :py:mod:`importlib.resources` and :py:func:`basicsynbio.parts_linkers.main.make_collection`, make or update the collection in :py:mod:`basicsynbio.parts_linkers.basic_parts`. * Where required, update the parts_linkers sub-package \_\_init\_\ file to import the collection.